Rambling thoughts of just another girl. Be very sure.. Be very very sure before you proceed
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Selamat Hari Jadi Kepada Saya
Dengarlah cerita bosan ini...
So, I was off from work, but I wanted to come anyway. Just in case… I was bloody bored at home, and work was another haven for me to escape. I guess I am labeled a workaholic for that simple reason.
I came to the office, and there was nothing on the table. No one remembered? Zilch emails. Spent my 2 precious hours chatting on sametime, while doing filing at the same time. Lousy time to spend birthday.
Then my sis called. “JS is not going. Kau nak pergi anugerah skrin tak malam ni?” Damn.. Are you serious? So, I thought that since I am not doing anything, why not. Asked Ivan to be my date (conditional offer upon me asking someone else). We went out to Midvalley looking for my dress during lunch.
Geezz.. no interesting dress. I guess I’ll just end up wearing the old ones that I have. Came back to KLCC for a lunch date with my friend’s brother. He promised to come at 3, but I end up waiting until 3.45pm. Not a very good first impression, definitely not some quality that you can be proud off.
Background check…
He’s 29.
An architect.
Finished Master early this year.
Kinda cute.
So, why in the world is his sister trying to hook him up with different girls?
We talked and talked, and I found out the reason why. I don’t think normal average person can actually stand him. Luckily I am not a normal average person. His bluntness became his main trait. And here he is pre-judging me. It is interesting to get to know this character, at least your life won’t be so dull. But he’s definitely not a boyfriend material, or a long term investment in that case. Friends.. yeah, why not.
I left at about 5.15pm, and I called Ivan straight after. Damn it. He already left for futsal thinking that maybe I dissed him off for the event. I was then left without a date, having to called everyone on my phone list, even Rizal, the neighbour I had in Melbourne. (Sorry, I didn’t know that you have broke up with Hana. So very ignorant of me). Damn. Out of the 15 guys I called, none had the time or suit to wear. Haha..I see the big L coming my way. Well, you can’t make random dates 1 hour before the event anyway.
So, I went there with my sister. It was quite a boring function, but it was fun to see these people up close. We sat in the second front row, way in the left corner of the room. The people at the third row keep on winning, and we are definitely feeling the hot seats. But guess what… My sister won! Best drama series!
Drama Rangkaian Terbaik….. Rafflesia.
She asked Faizal (the director) to take the award on her behalf, since she’s afraid of stumbling upon the stage. She was sure to win this award, either for Rafflesia or Natasha. Pretty good huh for a company that’s very new to the industry.
Then after, I went to Curve. I guess they wanted to celebrate my birthday. Munir was there as well, so is Army and another long lost friend… Azwa. What small world it is. While some might love the party and loud music, I was more enthralled by the company of friends.
Came back at around 5 am, slept and woke up the next morning smiling.
Birthdays ain’t that bad anyway. Thanks guys for the best birthday party ever.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Konklusi Kisah Patah Hati Tak Berganti Bersama J
It’s also a common courtesy for a man to assist a lady when she needed things/favor from him, instead of having her do it herself.
Another common courtesy is for a man to ask a lady her phone number, well, just in case.
I guess that courtesy only applies in 2 scenarios:
1. The guy is a true gentleman
2. The guy is very much into the girl.
J disappoints me today. He did neither of the common courtesy, and it’s such a sham. Such a good looking guy, such an interesting character, with not-so-interesting body language. He’s such an arrogant snob some say. That is why he remains single maybe!
I lost interest towards J, but maybe not completely. You can say that half of the feelings are gone. Am I too demanding? Simple things, yet I over-exaggerate.
It’s the first impression that matters a lot, and as of now, he didn’t succeed. Sigh. Why are good men hard to find. But J.. friends we are.
Signing off,
Seorang minah kerek yang perasan bagus
Friday, December 08, 2006
Hari ini dalam sejarah: Perkenalan kami
So, today is my fifth day sitting on this new position, and here I am writing a speech for me boss. We are off to Sudan next week, and I would need to prepare him for the dialogue session with all the JOC reps. This really does test my writing skills. Damn… I am an engineer for God sake. Math is more of our specialty. Ehem..
Third day on the job, and I was already swept off my feet by this engineer. Really is the first engineer that I find to be very good looking. I was more taken by his intonation really. For some reason, I think quite a gentleman la that guy. Didn’t get the chance to talk long cause I needed to rush off to catch his boss. Adios bro, and long gone that brief moment.
The next day, I came down again. I couldn’t find him! I don’t know his name, or even where he sits.
Then came today. Boss is in Beijing, so I am taking my own sweet time doing tasks. Called D, and told him about the brief encounter, and walla… I got introduced!
J is the name.
And I am still terawang-awang…
Friday, December 01, 2006
Ucapan perpisahan
Just to let you know that I am now officially the planner for En AN, effective 1 December 2006. It is such a great opportunity for me to work with En AN, and special thanks to those who have supported me in every way. I am still a tot to the organisation, and there are a lot of gray areas for me, but it is no reason for me to fall. I would promise not to let you guys down. En Azman, thank you for letting me have this opportunity!
Special thanks to my ex-boss, Puan Hazleen for her guidance, for that she is the one whose advice i sought the most. To Rommil and Madi, whom have teach me wonder about work and life that no other mentor I think ever would. To Pokji whom not only had been my boss but also a very good friend of mine, thank you for your honesty and wondrous energy! Not forgetting Kak Muadzah for your tutelage and friendship, for that SP would not be so interesting without you. To all SP and non SP-ians, thank you all for your kind friendship, and for supporting me in every way you could.
I can say with great thrill that I look forward to learn new things, face new challenges, establish new networking and contribute to the organisation at my best. Thank you all. Wish me the best of luck!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Semoga dicucuri rahmat
He’s one of those uncle whom you would adore. You would laugh at his jokes, and listen tentatively to his experience as if it was your own. It’s difficult to imagine life without this special person, and I am not even that close to him! I guess Colin would miss him the most, as he IS Uncle Martin’s favourite son.
I look at Colin and I was speechless, as he was this morning. I see him controlling his tears, ears all red. It was a sight I never could imagine seeing. When Adrian died last year, I wasn’t there to witness these emotion, so it was all new for me. Adrian death had such an impact to Uncle Martin that two weeks ago when we chatted, he was still telling me how he regretted the moments leading up to the death. If only he did this.. or that.. If only. And I was just stunned, Uncle Martin, you did everything you could. Don’t blame yourself for what has passed. Adrian should have known better! Perhaps the way Adrian died that disturbs him most. Falling from a hotel room while hiding from your girlfriend isn’t the most heroic death you would want to envisage.
So, Uncle Martin spend his last day looking over Adrian’s picture.. crying. You had your leg amputate two years ago and you were still strong. You could not walk well, but you still brave yourself to go teach at a tuition centre 60 km away from home. I adore you for that. The great Cikgu Martin who would go through thick and thin just for his beloved students.
How I wish you are still here Uncle Martin, so that you can see Sara grow up and become a fine lady. If only you would be around to still be apart of her life. I guess, we can never have too much joy. Sara may have lost her granddad, but we are still around anyway to support her.
Uncle Martin…. May your soul rest in peace.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Cicak-man si Lelaki Cicak
Get this… We were placed next to the big shot producers and cast of the show. Pure luck, coincidence or mistake, I simply don’t care. Just here for the free show!
And, what a surprise to me to see all of the crew of Natasha there. Fasha sure have her way around people.:D
Ok guys, throwing an interview with one of the attendee of the preview
Miss SS: So, what do you think of the movie?
Suhana Sidik: It was ok, but not my kind of movie though. I think the kids would love it (err.. but the kids were not really laughing just now). I had a good first impression of the movie, so my expectation was quite high.
Miss SS: How’s so?
Suhana Sidik: The initial preview was superb. I was caught by surprise. I do think that the CGI is really good for a Malaysian standard (excuse muah). The settings, the lightings, the costume.. everything were excellent. But, I guees, I should have known better, right.. (and she giggle)
Miss SS: So, you definitely think it’s a good first attempt, but there’s more room for improvement?
Suhana Sidik: Definitely. Nevertheless, congratulation to Yusry for his attempt. It was bold, and he nail it.. almost.
Miss SS: So, do you have any advice for these young generations who would like to venture into CGI?
Suhana Sidik: Don’t afraid to take chances! While there’s still time and opportunities, make sure you make use of it. Go out there and learn more of what the world has to offer. The problem with Malaysia nowadays is that we like to do everything at our own backyard, with the thinking that Malaysia boleh. Kira main belasah aje la. Yeah of course you can, but just make sure that you have the ‘ilmu’ to back it up. It’s not wrong to learn from others first, before you first learn to walk on your own.
Miss SS: That’s a pretty strong comment.
Suhana Sidik: Just my two cents love.
Miss SS: hehe. We’ll sure to print that out.
Suhana Sidik: I bet you will. Heck, I bet WE will. Muahahhahaha. Anyway, thanks KRU for inviting me. All the best of luck!
Still.. Silence… The room became quiet. Everyone has left. Miss SS found herself staring blindly at herself on her compact mirror she was holding on her right hand, while her left hand numbly holding the comb.
The end.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Hari aku terkenang si dia
I saw K dowstairs as I was walking up the building and couldn’t wait to tell the world this. Apparently now, we have been working in the same building for the past couple of weeks already. Yeah, we’ve been friends even after that humiliating incident when I confessed to him that I like him (my first-ever-embarrassing moment), and was told that he’s got someone else.
And guess what, he was walking to work with some girl who looks more than just some girl. Damn K, your girlfriend is working at the same place as you are? Damn pathetic. And wait… she’s just … ok. And I lost to THIS girl?
I guess guys like simple girls (or a rich one in that matter).
Heart racing. I could not calm myself. Still remembered that particular moment 1 year ago when I took chances but still lost out. What if I came in sooner? What if I told him earlier? What if I was still studying with him? What if I have spent more time with him? What if..?
But that was just some sick ‘cinta monyet’. I have recovered and have done really well for myself. It was his lost anyway… right.
Still in shock.
The-not-so-pinky girl anymore.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Rumusan Minggu Ini
Hello all,
Yes you guessed right. Suhana is feeling bored again, hence, the reason for this entry. Gosh, it’s freaking 10 am, but I still haven’t done any real work. Since I knew that I would be transferred out of the department, I’ve been smartly outsourcing my work to this guy who’s replacing me. Call it ‘in the process of handover of work’ :D.
So yeah, what highlights of this week
1.Cari Artis untuk buat Persembahan
Do you think that performers are overpaid? Or maybe they just live a lavish life. A friend of a friend is getting married and they wanted to get an artist to perform for the wedding. Came me into the picture, since I’ve got a sis who’s kinda in the business. We listed few artistes that we had in mind, and then came the shocking dilemma. A freaking 16-year old nobody-who-just-won-some-reality-show would cost 5K while a-freaking-performer-who-has-one-album would cost a sky rocking 18K. Man, it made me feels like I want to sing and produce an album, even if it sucks. And there was me, struggling to get through the whole month with this wage that Pet is paying. It’s sad really that I don’t have the voice to sing, talent to act or the kind of face to become a model. Just an average looking business planner. Wait2.. I did graduate with an engineering degree. Sigh.
2. Dia sudah kantoi
So, Phuket boy has a girlfriend and it’s official. I guess I won’t be looking out for boys for quite a while. Yeah, I did burst with anger.. at first. But with me suddenly taking it very well after, I really felt like a bitch at the very least. Thanks Ipeng for that word of wisdom. I ain’t too bad huh. :p
3.One Tree Hill
Even after the Phuket episode where I obviously told people that I think I’m turning gay, I had to rethink it back after watching One Tree Hill soaps. I think I am madly in love with Lucas. In some way, I want to be Brooke, and in many ways, I want to get married. I think I’ll skip the hushy mushy period ‘percintaan’ and get down to marriage straight away. Now now.. that’s not too hot ain’t it.
4. Bosan bosan..
So, been very bored. Too lazy to work. Want to know my routine this week?
7.50 am – in the office already
7.51 am – read the paper
8.05 am – open my emails; ie lotus, gmail, yahoo
8.15 am – look at updates in my blog
8.17 am – read other people’s blog and leave 1 comment
8.45 am – feeling suicidal, but still don’t feel like working
9.03 am – people start calling in with problems.
But hey hey.. it’s 10.20 am and I still haven’t start any real work.
So, anyone.. Throw me some good jokes, or even some work! I ain’t a freaking workaholic anymore, and it’s kinda sucks. Its like having no purpose in life. Now now, where’s the ‘phat’-ness in that.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Pak Lah.. Can you Handle This
Michael Backman
November 15, 2006 - The Age, Melbourne.
MALAYSIA'S been at it again, arguing about what proportion of the
economy each of its two main races - the Malays and the Chinese -
owns. It's an argument that's been running for 40 years. That wealth
and race are not synonymous is important for national cohesion, but
really it's time Malaysia grew up.
It's a tough world out there and there can be little sympathy for a
country that prefers to argue about how to divide wealth rather than
get on with the job of creating it.
The long-held aim is for 30 per cent of corporate equity to be in
Malay hands, but the figure that the Government uses to justify
handing over huge swathes of public companies to Malays but not to
other races is absurd. It bases its figure on equity valued, not at
market value, but at par value.
Many shares have a par value of say $1 but a market value of $12. And
so the Government figure (18.9 per cent is the most recent figure) is
a gross underestimate. Last month a paper by a researcher at a local
think-tank came up with a figure of 45 per cent based on actual stock
prices. All hell broke loose. The paper was withdrawn and the
researcher resigned in protest. Part of the problem is that he is
"Malaysia boleh!" is Malaysia's national catch cry. It translates to
"Malaysia can!" and Malaysia certainly can. Few countries are as good
at wasting money. It is richly endowed with natural resources and the
national obsession seems to be to extract these, sell them off and
then collectively spray the proceeds up against the wall.
This all happens in the context of Malaysia's grossly inflated sense
of its place in the world.
Most Malaysians are convinced that the eyes of the world are on their
country and that their leaders are world figures. This is thanks to
Malaysia's tame media and the bravado of former prime minister
Mahathir Mohamad. The truth is, few people on the streets of London or
New York could point to Malaysia on a map much less name its prime
minister or capital city.
As if to make this point, a recent episode of The Simpsons features a
newsreader trying to announce that a tidal wave had hit some place
called Kuala Lumpur. He couldn't pronounce the city's name and so made
up one, as if no-one cared anyway. But the joke was on the script
writers - Kuala Lumpur is inland.
Petronas, the national oil company is well run, particularly when
compared to the disaster that passes for a national oil company in
neighbouring Indonesia. But in some respects, this is Malaysia's
problem. The very success of Petronas means that it is used to
underwrite all manner of excess.
The KLCC development in central Kuala Lumpur is an example. It
includes the Twin Towers, the tallest buildings in the world when they
were built, which was their point.
It certainly wasn't that there was an office shortage in Kuala Lumpur - there wasn't.
Malaysians are very proud of these towers. Goodness knows why. They
had little to do with them. The money for them came out of the ground
and the engineering was contracted out to South Korean companies.
They don't even run the shopping centre that's beneath them. That's
handled by Australia's Westfield.
Next year, a Malaysian astronaut will go into space aboard a Russian
rocket — the first Malay in space. And the cost? $RM95 million ($A34.3
million), to be footed by Malaysian taxpayers. The Science and
Technology Minister has said that a moon landing in 2020 is the next
target, aboard a US flight. There's no indication of what the
Americans will charge for this, assuming there's even a chance that
they will consider it. But what is Malaysia getting by using the space
programs of others as a taxi service? There are no obvious technical
benefits, but no doubt Malaysians will be told once again, that they
are "boleh". The trouble is, they're not. It's not their space
Back in July, the Government announced that it would spend $RM490
million on a sports complex near the London Olympics site so that
Malaysian athletes can train there and "get used to cold weather".
But the summer Olympics are held in the summer.
So what is the complex's real purpose? The dozens of goodwill missions
by ministers and bureaucrats to London to check on the centre's
construction and then on the athletes while they train might provide a
Bank bale outs, a formula one racing track, an entire new capital city -
Petronas has paid for them all. It's been an orgy of nonsense that
Malaysia can ill afford.
Why? Because Malaysia's oil will run out in about 19 years. As it is,
Malaysia will become a net oil importer in 2011 — that's just five
years away.
So it's in this context that the latest debate about race and wealth is so sad.
It is time to move on, time to prepare the economy for life after oil.
But, like Nero fiddling while Rome burned, the Malaysian Government is
more interested in stunts like sending a Malaysian into space when
Malaysia's inadequate schools could have done with the cash, and
arguing about wealth distribution using transparently ridiculous
That's not Malaysia "boleh", that's Malaysia "bodoh" (stupid).
Mr Backman has a regular Asian business column with the Melbourne Age
newspaper and has authored numerous articles on the
complexities of Asian business, cultures and corporate governance for
The Times of London, the International Herald Tribune, the
Asian Wall Street Journal, the Far Eastern Economic Review, the
Australian Financial Review and the Business Times of Singapore,
among others.
He is a frequent speaker at seminars and conferences in Asia, Europe
and Australia and a regular commentator in the media on
Asian business matters, having appeared in publications such as
Euromoney, Time, Fortune, the New York Times, and the Financial
Mr Backman holds a First Class Economics Degree. He lives in London
when he is not travelling.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Sekali Lagi Aku Terasa Hampa
But maybe the excitement wasn’t as much, cause I only had two days to spend with him. We entertain ourselves to two boring Malay movies, and him hearing me whining on the stupid movies that Malaysian are producing. Grr..
Should I or should I have not gone to Phuket? If I didn’t, maybe we could have spent another 2 more days together. But I did, and I had major fun and some regrets (I thought that when you have fun, you should not have any slightest regrets). Did I make the right choice?
What past is past.
Now it’s just me sitting on this chair staring at the screen, looking at my life. Has my life been marvelous? Has everything been what I have ever want it to be? Why haven’t I change and reflect more on the positive side of my life?
I just noticed that I only blog when I’m not happy. I guess that is the only time when I truly have time for all this heart pouring crap. Heck, I don’t even know if people do read this crap. It’s just me having a piss at everything I ever look at, touch on, and breathe.. just about anything.
Yes yes.. again it’s boy issue. Just hate this. I don’t like this boy, nothing that would be material but sometimes I think of him. Maybe because of Phuket, or maybe because of plain stupidity causing me to think that everyone else around me is attached… even Ja. No no… not me. Come on, I’m still young and there are still more things in life that I have not experience.
I guess I just got tired of being played. Am I too naïve, or too less of everything?
Should I go and give him a piece of my mind? Maybe tomorrow… or the day after… or never. Maybe maybe…
Kenangan di Phuket



That night… we were as one.
Spent the next day on bed watching movie and ordering room service. Felt like some young spoilt brat too lazy to get her ass doing anything useful. Alas, the day went past so quickly that it was time again to bid farewell to Phuket.
I miss it all… and I really mean ALL.






Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Keluhan Hati aku.. Rindu KAMU... Benci KAMU
You might say one thing, and the next thing you know, you are doing exactly what you say you won’t do.
Hypocrites.. It’s a sham that every single being is a pretender in their own way.
I misjudge people, and I do that quite often.
This guy I know whom I thought is a great pal turns out to be such a quack. Today I learnt something new about him, something that I long ago think that he won’t do. He went back on his own word and did ‘it’ anyway. Total failure. Jolly L
At that point of time, I succumb to disappointment. I suddenly missed my best friend who now resides in Minnesota. He would never break his promises. Never would he do things intentionally to hurt me. He understands me deeply that sometimes, I have to secretly admit that he knew me better than I know myself.
A friend whom I can confide with.
A friend whom can read my mind and finish my sentence every time words came crawling out my mouth. Can you believe that.
A friend who would do anything for you.
Where can you find such friend?
A friend whom was someone close to your heart that he stayed through with you even after that hateful breakup.
A friend indeed when a friend is in need.
I guess I missed being pampered.
The consolation part to all this is just that he’s coming home this Raya and I get the chance to spend time with him. It might just be 2 days, but it’s worth the wait.
I miss you BADLY. I hate the world TERRIBLY. Come back soon.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Tidakkah Anda???
Don’t you miss that feeling of missing that special someone?
Don’t you feel that life has not been treating you well?
Don’t you ever think some people are just mean to you?
Don’t think too hard. It’ll just screw up your membrane and left you numb.
Life is just IS.
Anak Pak Sidik.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Suhana Sidik sebagai emcee berjaya. Well Done!
It is a day I can be proud of. I might not be the best emcee, they might not call me for a comeback, but at least, I can talk about the experience. I’ve done it! I even threw in 2 of my own question/comment while I was at it. Gila kuasa betul la.
So freaking pissed. Iperintis still haven’t resolved my problem. Dey… I need to check my email la. Dah 3 hari dah ni. Poyo sungguh mereka ini.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Keluhan Hati Orang Yang Sakit Hati
So pissed rite now. You are supposed to cool off during Ramadhan, stop the swearing and berzikir every now and then. I guess Wong would laugh me off and tell me that he's controlling his temper way better than I do… while fasting! Well, stupid Iperintis people haven't come yet to fix my freaking computer. I can't check email, or do proper work just because I don't have the proper tools to operate.
How hard would it be for them to get more lazy bum to work on our computers? Don’t they have KPI to maintain? How long before one person request can be entertain? Why are we paying them again?
Came to think of it, this is P*******! We don’t fire people because it’s atrocious to do so. It’s ok to pay less to the employee because we are semi-government and this is our way of giving back to the country. Come on. This country won’t freaking survive without us. I was at first disappointed when they announce bonus, then I thought, they were pretty smart to give it away during Ramadhan. “Sesungguhnya aku bersyukur dengan apa yang kuterima”, eventhough we have surpass the performance of last year, AND wait, did you say they get more last year? Where is the justice to all this.
Be thankful. I am, don’t get me wrong. But sometimes, it just triggers you. I was an engineer by study, am a planner by profession. What is my future? Most of my engineer friends were thinking of leaving the company after five valuable years of experience and work in Middle East to earn way more than what our company is offering. Should I go back to doing engineering and do the same justice?
How can P******* appreciate the staff? No salary increment or extra bonus in the picture. Na’ah. More benefit? Yeah, that could be it. Other companies are catching up fast. Better promotion? Yeah, no more seniority rules :p
From getting pissed to talking about P*******. See how sick my mind is. I need a holliday badly…..
Cepat la betulkan komputer ini.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Selamat Harijadi to You... Happy Birthday Untuk Awak
This girl is adored by those who knew her. Maybe because of her smooth grace, or her dazzling style that people find appealing. She who makes you glances twice to catch that sweet reflection. Ok, being so gay right now. Felt like wanted to dedicate this blog to her, for all that she’s done to me. She is a friend when I needed one, a friend when I felt lonely, a good friend indeed!
I guess it was destined why I remain single, maybe so that I meet other single people to rock with! Hehe.. But I guess it’s just odd why SHE remain single where plentiful boys out there who would kill to be liked by her. Clock ticking. You’re 25 now girl! Don’t be too picky and too choosy.
Those moments we had:
This is us during Planner Forum. Its like paparazi-celeb photo. Class...
Aku rasa sungguh ayu pada waktu ini. Hehe..
Ini kami lagi...
Anyway, Happy Birthday! I wish you all the best. Muah.....
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Satu Lagi Crappy Entry

So, the dilemma ends there.
I can tell you for a certain now that IMN is no longer in the picture. But I wish him all the best with this girl whom I adore. I think they would make a good couple, or are they already.. Hehehe, the sore loser ME.
Anyway, yesterday, was out with Ja and Aima in Shroom for bukak puasa. I had to drag them since I actually had a date with this Indo dude, and was actually quite shy to just go out the two of us. (Can you believe that.. me.. shy.. :p) It turns out that he couldn’t make it cause he overslept, and Suraya also cancelled dinner cause her bf was too shy to join us. Men.. why are they such complicated creature?
Ed join us later with her bf. He reminded me so much of Veddervader and got me thinking hard. Could he be the one that got away? Was I just plain ignorant? Am I mean to do those things I did to him? Stupid stupid me…
My life has not been very interesting lately. Since it’s been budget cycle, I got stuck with pile of endless works. But it went well in the end. I managed to present to CMC and received good credit. At least I didn’t humiliate myself in front of DD, and at least the job is still on the table. I wish I can make my mark in this new position now. Don’t get me wrong, I do like what I’m doing now, it’s just that sometimes people around me complicate things. You would start feeling that they look down upon you, or disregard you just because you are new. ‘Masih hingusan’ la katakan…
I can tell you now that I’ve been feeling very down lately. The big BLW.
1. B……. The other day, my phone went off. Oh, it’s his birthday! I still can’t get over the fat that I got dumped. But, I was never angry at him. I guess I am just not that kind of person. I felt pissed sometimes. I used to over-work to get over this feeling of loneliness. Now, I am just too plain tired.
2. L…….. What is wrong with me? Not attractive enough? I don’t have great personality? The heck with it!
3. W……. I need to change job ASAP or I’ll be stuck here K
End here… Will stop posting this entire annoying story about me and my sad life story in the future. Again, a brand new muah (for how many times already)…
Suhana Sidik.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Status update: Aku kini di Dubai
My trip to Sudan isn't as smooth as what we have planned. There was a windshield crack at the plane from Singapore, so our flight had to be postponed till 8 hours later. The great benefits of being in Business Class is that you have the chance to be treated like royalty. All your queries answered rite away. I guess spending the nite in Singapore wasn't so bad as we were given hotel rooms to sleep off the worries.
The trip to Dubai was marvellous. I had the luxury of first class upgrade! Plenty of food and freebies along with it. Our interconnecting flight from Dubai-Bahrain-Khartoum then had to be re-scheduled, and we had to spend an extra night in a 5 star hotel in Dubai. Another stamp on my passport! Me and Pokji somehow got lost in the city, spending most our time in the taxi chatting with the taxi driver. Interesting really to see the incredible architecture of the city. But the ghastly weather was too much even for me to wield.
I am now stuck in Dubai business lounge waiting to board the flight to Khartoum. Boredom struck. Tell you guys more update later.
ps 1: IMN called me on Saturday before my flight... yeah call, instead of the usual lame SMS. "Take care", he said. What the.... Why is he so nice to me? Guys..... So unpredictable. And Daisy, secret still yeah. Hehehe...
ps 2: PA to DD... Cam jadi aje. Went for interview with him on Friday, and he has already introduced me to other people as his PA. Ok... freaky.. Anyway, Pokji think it's a good move for me to join DD as long as there is proper replacement for my me in SP.... wicked.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Kerja yang begitu memberangsangkan
There's an opening for the position of PA cum planner for the new DD, and they wanted to know whether I am interested in taking up the post. Me, out of all people! I'm freaking fresh from the oven (ok, one year in service already) and I am just holding up a seeding position. Am I qualified enough to serve for a Senior General Manager in the company?
I was uncertain. Reluctant to make any definite answer there and then and ask to come back to them. Would he trust me to deliver above expectation with the insignificant experience I have?
So, DD came up to our floor just now and ask who 'Suhana' is. I timidly answer, 'Saya'. His gaze lock at me, as mine to his. Eye to eye... 'We'll meet up later'. Argh....
I guess it's a good learning experience as he is willing to teach and share his wisdom & knowledge. Just a question of how patient he is, and how much more effort I am willing to put to succeed. Just as my life about to settle down, and I was beginning to enjoy life more, this opportunity came. Work would be more hectic.
So tell me.. tell me please... Is it wise, is it right for me to take up this post? Heck, I might not even get chosen after his small chat later on. Or, my boss won't freaking let me go!
Ok.. Go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... Or not....
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
PGL Was Superb

Love is in the air…. Nomore.
I’m such a bad friend. I missed going to two weddings on Sunday on purpose because I don’t have a partner to go with. I ignore Veddervader completely when he asked whether I want to hang out. And I was too lazy to call up a friend to ask how she was doing. Overall.. total sucker.
Yesterday, was trying to get a friend to go with me to watch Puteri Gunung Ledang. Been asking him for two days already and in the end, got ditch. Where are all your boyfriends when you needed them.
I can actually go alone and watch the show. It’ll be like the old days when I go watch movie, or the philharmonic enjoying the symphony… ALONE. Just that, I lack the confidence of driving after the accident. Hence, I can’t gather the courage to live life on my own thus far. I used to drive to Shah Alam ever week, sometimes twice a week out of boredom, but can’t get my lazy ass to do that anymore. Pure stupidity.
So yesterday, nak tak nak, had to ask IMN out (hehe). I need to state for a fact that he is the last person I want to go out with and I am not kidding. But yeah, in a situation like this.. yeah. So anyway, he said yes (my lucky day since he’s only available Tuesday and Thursday this week). I had to treat him for dinner anyway since I lost the World Cup bet.
Had to rush down from office just in time to meet him. I couldn’t be late this time! Need to prove to him that I am no workaholic and I can still live a proper life without working too much @#%w$er@#$.
So anyway, we went out for proper dinner. I made a fool out of myself when I used the wrong knife for steak and ordered a well-done steak that was over-cooked (that’s what well-done is Suhana!). It’s been a while since I last ordered a steak so my table manner was not too compelling. And we got into the argument about what a date really is. I really don’t think that it was a date. Friends hanging out after work is definitely not a date, right! He, who has not been a date (or so he claimed), got confused. And on and on we went. But I couldn’t resist bila dia suap the chocolate cake to me. Argh.. Hehe.. Nothing la. Saja2 aje kitorang buat lawak.
And after that, we went for the play. Since we were early, had the chance to stand in the lobby watching people making grand entry to Istana Budaya. No one caught his interest, likewise, so I guess it was a good start already.
Ok.. PGL… Straight to the point.
The show was superb. The prop was excellent, Gusti Adipati stole the show, Stephen really know how to sing!@!!, and not to forget the marvelous Tiara! Adlin could do better. I guess I expected him to do much better (I have a secret crush on him. Don’t tell him just yet). I was amazed to see the overall coordination of the dance and the play. IMN was constantly trying to seek the best position to doze off, and I kept disturbing him trying to make him stay awake.
The show finished rather late, past my bedtime! Luckily, I was still in shape to drive. Oh, did I told you that IMN freaking love Indonesian girls! Good skin tone, very bold.. definitely wife material. And there I was with mouth wide open. What the… And during dinner he told me ‘workaholic’ aint hot. So, I definitely am not? “No comment”
Guys.. Workaholic not hot ke? I guess I am fairly happy with the fact that I got a merit 2 for PPA since I’ve been working like hell lately. But then again, if I have no life, what is there to enjoy?
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Nasihat untuk Teman
It irritates her knowing that this guy is giving her mixed signal. One moment she is very convinced that she’s not ‘clapping with only one hand’.. ewah.. the next, he manage to convert whatever feeling there is to intense coldness. Born stupidity!
Off he went to ‘over-the-sea’ to check out other chix. And she goes on missing him. His last sms seems to cheer her up. ‘I might miss you, but sure it’s not mutual :-(‘ What was she suppose to think. Him leaving her hanging like that.
For some reason, she knows that they are not meant to be. Plenty of obstacles, plenty of reasons to hate him. But, what can you do when your heart long for that special someone, when you suddenly felt nervous around him, when you heart bit a ‘lil faster whenever he drew close, and when you try so hard to dress to impress. She, who you knows to be quite oblivious to others, would now spend the extra 10 minutes that she obviously don’t have to pose in front of the mirror. Bet he never even notice. And he might not even know that she’s a heart-breaker. And now, it’s her turn to get all jump up for another.
She told her friend that she’s going to forget this guy. But, she lied. He is still in her mind. :-( Why oh why….Is it because she’s lonely and needed the attention? But wait, he never did give that extra attention. He cares.. But, was it enough? Sigh.
I guess she’ll have to wait till tomorrow when he’s back (Or is he not?). She’s expecting any sign to indicates that she’s back on the game. But, he hasn’t sms her yet. Did he forget about her? .. And she really thought that he meant it when he said that he’ll misses her.
She hates him for making her feel like this. She hates herself more for being a helpless sucker and a loser. It’s karma. What you did to others… is coming back at you.
What can she do. As a friend, I can always advice her accordingly. But, I can’t help her much you see. It’s a matter of love, and only she can decide what’s best for her. Good luck dear!
Nak Promote Cite
GUYS... Lock this in your calender and make sure your decoder is automatically set to this channel at this specific time ait...
1. ----> MONDAY 9 pm TV 2 - Rafflesia 2
2. ----> TUESDAY 9 pm TV 3 - Dua Hati
Well, life as the sister of a TV producer is not at all that glamorous. There were times when I followed her to shootings, mixing around making not-so-funny jokes with celeb, but it was not all that 'FUN'. You see different kind of characters these orang seni has. They are oh-so-nice to me just because my sister freaking produce the shows, but there definitely is some tension off screen. But, enough said.
It was interesting really to see the feedback that I got from friends on the previous show, 'Natasya'. I thought that the show was utter crap. But, people got attracted because the star of the show was the gorgeous Fasha Sandha. Typical male hormone.
For me, their previous soap, 'Raflesia' was a better show. Rita was a good actress, and the script was much better. But I must tell you, I don't really watch Malay shows. Yey, the un-patriotic Suhana. I can't really scale the show to the standard Malaysian has. Remember the ever-famous Sembilu? I thought it was a pure disaster, but I think the actress grab few outstanding performance award. Well, how wrong was I!
So, to those who have watched the show, feel free to drop comments/feedbacks and I'll sure to convey it to my sis the very least. To those who haven't, do .. do watch it and support the Malaysian movie industry ;-p.
Ok, before I end this, lemme post a pic of that someone :-0... Me lor.. yay!

Friday, July 28, 2006
Aku Bosan
Haven't been writing for so long, and there's so much to tell. But too lazy to start putting thoughts and experience for the eyes of all. And now contemplating whether I should go to PERMATA to kill off time or go paint someone's room. Hmm.. Tough choices.
Missing IMN still..
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Hek eleh…
You know what, IMN is so cute. Never thought that he can be THAT cute, but he really is! Now I am having second thought, and now I really really misses him. Can't wait to see him tomorrow.. Cheers.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Saya Suka Kamu... Atau TIDAK Lagi
It really made me think about life and what I have done to really deserve this. I am neither too good of a person, or the tail end most worst person in the world. I might have done some stupid things in the past, but none that would be considered a major revamp of my existence.
Since I now commute to work, again, I had time to think about life and future. I hate it when I have time to think, cause I will then think about those things I’ve done (which ain’t a lot), those times I missed (due to working commitment) and those people who used to love me (and dump me in the end). Ain’t a pretty sight indeed.
Yesterday, while commuting to Subang (for futsal hooray..), I had time to think about my boyfriend-less situation. Earlier, I had lunch with this Minnesota guy I knew a while back, and after hearing himself say the same thing, “Ah come on.. Xde boyfriend? Ke you x kasi chance”, I had to re-evaluate my thinking process. Am I that choosy?
Vedder was a nice guy, but I let him go. I could have live a sweet wonderful life with him but I choose not to because there’s some part of him that I cannot accept. Yeah.. I was choosy.
There are also some other guys that seem ok, but never really did get to the part of self-confession. And I didn’t really give them a try – rejecting dinners, not picking up the phone. I guess, I really haven’t achieve that comfort level with them yet.
But there are also guys that I like. So far in these 2 years, there was that guy who played tennis (I like guys who can play tennis.. Ops..), the guy at the gym (who after that had a 4 weeks relationship with me, and didn’t have the guts to tell me at the end that he found someone else), the Petronas guy (who I have no feeling now after I know him much better, and he’s already taken anyway) and last but not least, this other Petronas guy (who I don’t think I want to pursue anymore).
I am just plain tired. It drains out all your emotion and energy you see. But, just to give a scoop on the latest of them all conquest I have right now.
IMN… I guess he does have some minor feelings toward me. It’s just that I feel like I am done waiting for him to profess. I don’t think I want to pursue this anymore, and that was exactly what I had in mind when I commute to Subang yesterday. But then I hit a soft spot when I suddenly received an sms, 5 minutes after I made that impromptu decision. Was it an indicative sign to tell me that he always think of me, or is he not?
Some two weeks ago on one of my hectic day, IMN and me was supposed to go out after work (IMN promised me that he’s gonna treat me for coffee/dinner/whatever) when suddenly, my boss has this last minute meeting with En Jo, and we had to spend the night discussing on the paper to be presented to En Joe the next morning. I made him wait at my compact cubicles for 4 damn long hours (not that I force him or something. He can leave whenever he wants). But, he patiently wait, without a flick of anger. I was pleasantly surprise. He never break promises you see. So, we ended having coffee at around 10 and talked about ex’s and girls/guys we like. Hoo.. Isn’t that indicative enough?
He must have known by now that I have some feelings toward him. Me asking all those stupid questions! Isn’t it obvious enough or is he just oblivious? And whenever I was down, I would sms him. And whenever he’s bored (ha ha), he’ll sms me. Our typical daily routine!
We went out last Friday to Bangsar with another friend of mine, then spend some time at his office (and got kicked out from the building by this rude guard), and we chatted and chatted. It was closest to a date that I could get to spend with him. He would never really ask me out (cause he never ask ppl out!… except that he did ask me out for breakfast and sometimes out for a drink after office hours. eventhough he told me that he doesn’t like to ask others out because he doesn’t like to oblige others to him), and I would NEVER ask him out. Come on.. Me asking some guy I like OUT? Never in a zillion years.
So now how…
I’m just gonna drop this off. With this hectic working schedule that I have, I don’t think I’m gonna have a bf soon. I told Zalia earlier that I am launching this ‘7 Hari Mencari Cinta’ campaign, currently overdue. Now, resetting the timing, and the countdown already started last Monday. At this rate, don’t think it’s possible. 7 days are more like 7 years maybe…
I’m so tense. Don’t have a car right now, hence, not much life. It’s not like I had a life either before.
Argh…. My flow of thoughts are interrupted by the short briefing I had with my boss just now. Damn it. Now in no mood to talk about my sappy life. Better start doing some serious work right now.
Ok diary, I guess I have to log off. And yeah, I’m not gonna think about IMN anymore. Cheers.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Rumusan Hujung Minggu
1. I am feeling desperately lonely. Kinda like today (and any other day), when I wanted to go back early and spend time with that special someone, but there's none really.
2. He's not responding well. Hard catch, and I strongly think that he's not that great of a bf. I'm liking him because he's been ignoring me?
But you know what.. He can bake. Hehe.. Guys who can cook is such a turn on.
Anyway, leaving that all behind now.
So, I had a great tiring weekend. It was Agong's birthday on Saturday, so, we at Petronas had the day off on Friday. The fantastic four (aka Myself, Fiza Lonjong, Basman perasan macho and Peter Wongker) drove to PD. Great time it was, that we decided to drive to Malacca (Wongker was absolutely thrill to visit all the historical places... photographer heaven la kononnya). We made a pact. I'll pose, and by the end of the year, he'll be producing my own Calender featuring myself cover page. Hehe.. Corny aint't it. Just that stupid crazy idea I had.
We ate a lot.. And I do mean a lot. The seafood was good, much better than the one we had at Hartamas yesterday. I can't even swallow most of it anyway.
On Sunday, I spent time with my niece and nephew. Argh.. I misses them. I wish I have my own kid, wouldn't it be nice. You've got something to look forward to everytime you go back home. Hmm...
Ok.. I've made up my mind. I want to go back NOW. Tomorrow, I think I would drive to work. Hehe... And tomorrow, I think of going on a date. Anyone?
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Rambling thoughts = Cakap Merapu
And suddenly out of the blue, I told Madi that I wanted to get married. You know what he said… “Tu la. Dah kahwin nanti mesti menyesal”, “Huh… Nape plak?” I replied back, and he gave the most honest answer, “Cause tak kahwin awal2”.. Good one there. Almost got me! :P
Anyway, today has been very slow for me. Yesterday, I was called up by my boss in the middle of the night to seek one piece of info from the exploration database. As I was the only one with access to the data, and I didn’t have my laptop with me, I had to go back to the office (yeah.. I was already home when my boss called me up) and extract that info. The sad part is, that piece of info turns out to be irrelevant. Me sweating all out to the office for no reason at all.
But the cool thing is, my boss felt the splurge of guilt. He thank me over and over again, and I was even given an appraisal email to be included into my PPA. Even my big boss commented on that. Woo.. I guess the trip was really worth it. Me behind the wheel, and this time, I was actually doing much better.
I didn’t feel like doing much, so I spent time slowly doing some cosmetic to my presentation pack, and spend hours chatting with Iv. We’ve suddenly been chatting more and more these days. That’s a good thing, cause I’ve been feeling very left out lately, I don’t think I’ve hang out much with my buddies. They’ve been very busy these past few weeks, and yeah again, I am boyfriend less, so the loneliness and emptiness IS there. So far, weekends at home is an almost definite.
You know what.. The French Open fever is ON! Argh.. But there’s no way I can watch the games. Hmm… Wish I was back in Melbourne, and I would spend countless hours watching the matches. Haven’t spent much time watching TV, even F1. Oh, how I miss schooling, where you would always have time for just about anything, and skipping some classes in between. Ahaks.
I guess you could never get what you wanted. I was chatting with Iv, and one of the interesting topic arising was what it is that you look at a girl/guy. Come on guys.. Think…
Yeah, looks are important, and so is the personality. But I guess for me, it’s simply how much of his bad side that you can tolerate. You can never find someone perfect, so you just had to learn to live with it. Then, it would be just finding a compatible match whom bad behavior you can tolerate. He might not be funny, but at least he’s responsible. He might not be romantic, but at least he cares! Well, not my type though, but these are just the few examples. Sounds pessimistic, but looks very realistic. What is my type? Eh.. Cannot tell. Later, bahaya… I kan cepat cair.
Anyway.. laters……..
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Suhana yg kurang berjaya memandu
Damnit. I've been tortured by my brother today and yesterday due to my lack of driving skills. Considering that this is just my brother, I do think I can laugh at it most of the time. My father would be worst. I don't think I can have my dad at my side whining on about my driving skill. That would be too much to bear.
Got my car last Friday, and my sis was the one driving it. I had a bit of a drive to the petrol station, and it wasn't a pretty sight. Well, woman drivers... Can't even park my car next to the gas.
Full tank cost an incredible 80 bucks, and after three days, I've used quarter of the tank. So, do you say it's cost efficient?
Well now Suhana... Up for another test drive tonite...
You bet!
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Satu Hari di Hari Sabtu
I've been going back at 11 from the office, arriving home slightly after midnite. My utter stubborness to work till late un-accompanied somehow didn't do well with my dad. What can I do. I just had too much to do, and so little time. I guess, he was just worried, plus the fact that for him, girls should not have work so hard... Yeah, back in the old days.
Sometimes I am scared. Freaking 23, bf-less, and a workaholic! You couldn't do much worst than that. Ppl would give me that look when I told them I am still single. ('Yeah, rite' they say). I am too consume with work, and I just don't give a damn about other stuff... well, almost.
Anyway, I had my BAKTI programme as usual earlier. What a total coincidence that me, Zal and Devin were boarding the same train to Bangsar. We took the same cab and made a quick 'pit' stop before heading off to the school (Devin HAD to have his breakfast.. So, we end up buying roti bakar, roti canai and teh ais at a mamak stall along the way).
When we arrive, the kids were staring at me.. I had a confuse look. Anyway, one of the girls said, "Kak Sue.. She said that you're pretty".. Hehe.. Ok, umm.. Mmm.. That was an honest remark, since it was from these 11 year old kid la kan. Argh... You guys just cheered me up la. Hehe..
So, the program went on like usual. We break into groups, had our "Earth, Sun, Moon" Exercise... Had major fun.. And I was conducting aerobics. Quite a disaster actually, but hey.. these are just small kids.. so let's just be spontaneous. So, we did. We were dancing to the songs, and they were thrilled. At least, they told me it was way better than Devin's last aerobics. Hehe... Maybe they were just tryin to be nice to the 'akak', but it didn't matter. At least they enjoyed it.
You know what.. I spent the whole day after that at home (oh yeah, DID go on a drive with my brother, buying him a new slack for work, and bought a complete set of Dan Brown's collection). But aside from that, I slept through the whole day! Exhaustion caught up.
Right now, I am just too lazy to start work. Can I do it tomorrow... Too lazyy.....Are you serious.. Suhana lazy... Cam tak percaya aje.
Sunday, May 21, 2006

The X Games crew
Ok.. So me, Fiza, Yahya and Wong went to the X-Games in Pyramid. The driving reason for me to go there was for the fact that I wanted to catch a glimpse of SS. Guess that didn't go so well, cause he was nowhere in sight. It was raining.. more of a reason of telling me something huh.
But, I saw Wawa's crush.. Argh... He's handsome, just a bit too short for me maybe. Hehe.. It was fun la. Ada wall climbing, skateboard, MX..etc. There were also taekwando (yeah, seriously) all the way from Korea. So, there were the usual breaking the brick show, and surprise surprise.. these people can dance. They were actually doing this taekwando-dance thingy, that seems quite cool. But, I just can't look. One minute they were serious, had this look of machoness kicking and punching, but the next, they were smiling their teeth off, with that certain gay'sh look. Hehe..
Before we leave, one great show still. Three fat ass guys in their speedo walking convincingly with their belly juggling up and down. What a sight! I guess some people are just way confident with how they look. OR some ppl are just bloody rich to not care!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Suhana with a 'P'
Suhana Sidik, that awesome girl from Gombak has graduated from Akademi Pusat Memandu Berhemah (M) KL with flying colours (or shall I say 'driving' colours. Ahaks). Yeah. Pretty pathetic I know.
Oblivious it may seem to the world that this 24 year old gal has just gotten her P license at JPJ yesterday. More of a reason to get her car .. fast!
Congratulations, Suhana.
Top 5 things you may want to know about her driving test.
1. This stupid JPJ examiner was hitting on her during the on the road test.. corny fella.
2. I dont think she passed the hill test, but her charm of seduction was .. well... excellent.
3. The many occurences of engine failured during her parking test. Wohoo.. Luckily they didn't have a set of KPI for that.
4. TWO bloody hours just to get the formal result of her driving test (luckily she didn't have to anxiously wait, since she knows way earlier that she passed. Don't know why the freaking blue card took ages to be producible. Slow government employee.. So typical)
5. She lost her 'L' license, and somehow it mysteriously re-appears at the end of they day. She thinks that maybe that JPJ guy intentionally took it after she refuses to give her phone no to him, and by now, the pic of her may be on the wall of some department in JPJ. Damnit.
Anyway. That's all folks. I'll tell you guys more about her brand new car later on. Wohoo... What would the colour be? Silver of blue greenish? Hmm.. Hopefully by Wednesday, it will all be sorted out.
Again, congratulation Suhana. On behalf of all bloggers, we wish you the best of luck, and we are very proud of you... damn proooooooooud of you. (Eventhough for some ppl you are just way too old to START driving. Hehehe..)
Signing off.. The workaholic koncil at her office on a freaking Sat...
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Flash Back

25/3..(Will remember this date always!)
Me and Girls Cruising in Putrajaya...
Great weekend.. It really was!
I need to share this moment, for me to reflect back on the day that made me miserable, and the day when I starts to appreciate life more.
I was so freaking bored in the office that day, and SS still hasn't replied my sms/call. It was the day when I decided that I could not live like this anymore. And then, Wawa called and we girls went out to Putrajaya with her friend, who apparently drove all the way to KL from JB, just to take the Putrajaya cruise (another lame case of media influence, where she had this idea from watching Sembilu.. ahaks).
Anyway, we made it just in time for the last boat cruise.. just our luck, wuhuu.. And it was a lot of fun. Putrajaya was an architecture wonder. Mahathir's dream came true, and as Malaysia, I felt so damn proud cruising capturing the scenic view.
We watched the sun settling down, and it felt absolute romantic.. utterly speechless. At that very instant, I had the time to reflect on life, and how a few hours before, I sent my very last sms to SS wishing him the very best in whatever it is he does in the future. I can never hate him. I can never hate people... period.
Overall, it was superb even down to the dinner we had in this Putrajaya restaurant (can't remember the name though) with Amir and his cuz. Whole experience: Thumbs up. 4.5/5 star. Hehe

Me and Zalia.. Gadis Kampung betul la..
Ok.. So I was back from Guoman. I know I've blogged about this. it's just that, I wanted to post pics of me having fun! Finally, away from the office and work commitment.
First day was arrival day, and after all those boring talks, organiser (Izmir and Zalia) thrown a lavish 'Kampung Nite Dinner', where all participants were required to dress up using the kain batik/kain sarong given during registeration.
I was wearing a green kebaya, that I think suits well with my batik.. with one exception. I was not very confident wearing the batik that I had to wear a blak slack inside, and I forgot to cover its length. So, when I entered the hall (eveyone was freaking there!) making the grand entrance, everyone was laughing looking at my over-length slack. Damn it. Terus hilang ayu. Hehe.. Chill Suhana. But anyway, we had fun.. Even had the olok-olok wedding, jadik pengapit lagi.

The elites... That got last place.
We also had our very own version of Explorace! I was grouped with the elites, but, that however, does not guarantee us the win, you see! We actually got freaking last place. Wow.. And to think that all the fit and young ones were in our group. Better luck next time heh.
Anyway, it was tonnes of fun. We had Dato' Dr Fadzillah Kamsah as our motivational speaker and he was great too. We had awards presentation at the end. To sum it up.. excellent work Suhana! (I now know that they would always list me up as volunteer for any future events, since I am undeniably so good at this)

Joe, Raja, me and Ahmad at Ash's wedding.. So, Ash finally got married. Wow, everyone is either engaged or got married. No surprise there, with all these invi that I am getting. Saw Dollah (who had just got engaged), and Ewad with his 'girl', Jo (who looks more umm now), even Raja who is now working in Sudan (I'll see you there man), and Fairuz, and Rafi, and Faizal and Basit..The list goes on and on and on. Wo.. Really was the time of reunion.
Ash had a video presentation (made by Katik), the story of how he falls for Zaza and all. The wedding was kinda cool, a first for me in a lot of aspect. Made me think a lot about my own.
My wedding.. Theme: white, Venue: Golf course.. someplace green, Time: TBA, Groom: Why? interested?
Oh, I just got invi from Salihin and Sarip Dol for June. Heard that Emilda is getting married also. Wuhuuu.. Jolly!

En Jo taking the stage... Well, another one of my volunteering event.. The E&P Communication Session. There's not much to tell about this actually (All the boring stuff on Oil & Gas that I don't think would get people interested. Kills their joy really). Anyway, I really wanted to post this pic of En Jo singing. Hehe. Kinda cool when you see your VP, CEO, SGM and all the top ones singing.
En Jo came up to me, "Take 5 Sue". Ingatkan nak suruh buat kerja. Suddenly, he was showing me a pic of his class when he 12. He said, "Cari which one is me". My first guess was wrong. And then, the pic became clearer. "Eh, this one la". Hehe.
The next day, he came up to me again, and showed me his social security and driver license when he was back in US. Woo.. Cool betul la MD aku ni. Rambut panjang and all.
Who would have guessed, mamat rock ni sekarang dah jadik orang penting kat company ni. Damnit. Aku plak macam skema semacam aje. Ni nak kena enjoy life more. Tapi, the pattern is like that aa in this company. Usually, all your top management ni is the people yang cam mamat2 rock etc. Yang dulu masuk band.
Resolution: I think I need to start my own band. Band ketuk periuk boleh aa.. Ahaks
Ok now.. End of flash back.
Penat dah menulis. Again, it's Saturday and I had to come to clear up some work for a meeting this Monday. Malas aa nak buat kerja lain. Need to rest. Hehe..
Signing of.. koncil.
Monday, May 08, 2006
That Day.. That Time... SS Ignore SS
I went to the climbing competition, trying to look hot and sexy (in which I am J ), and trying to catch the attention of SS. Pretty pathetic I know. But, what can I do. I still can’t get over that special someone even though I knew that I was played. Damnit. How I wish SS would come clean and explain what went wrong, or that if he really was just playing with my heart.
So, Dyanna said she saw him glaring at me couple of times.. definitely! But it was kinda sad really that we didn’t utter a single word when we sat there on the bench, trying to ignore the existence of each other. http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j132/suhanasidik/CIMG1731.jpg
And when I approach Amy (they were walking together at that time) to bid goodbye, he purposely walk the other path to avoid me. Dyanna said that he had that guilty look on this face. Wong also came up with the same conclusion. I hope he really felt that, so then I know that I was never at fault.
But afterwards, while talking to Amy, I found out that everyone said that I look skinnier. Damnit. I came with the purpose of boldly showing him that I am happy, and can live perfectly well without him. But when I heard that he asked Amy the same thing, “Amy, Kenapa kawan kau tu nampak kurus?”, I was devastated. Am I really? But anyway, Amy came up with the best remark by far, “Sebab dia sedih aa.. Kau buat dia macam tu”. Silence… It got to him!
I knew that I was supposed to meet him in another week or so, making my grand entry to the public. But, I couldn’t resist when I knew that he was climbing. Girl.. Get over him! He played you, remember.
So, yeah again. Life is great. I notice one thing though. I need to keep my mouth shut. I like to talk a lot nowadays, and people tend to get bored with me easily. I need a major change. No more Suhana kepoci after this.. Hehe.. Possible?
Saturday, May 06, 2006
I've got this presentation slide to be up in the printing by 8.30 am Monday. Damnit. Still lots more to go. Well, I haven't been working hard enought this week.. that's y. Last week, I spend hours and hours in the office, that I only see my mom and dad like 3 minutes (which is before I go to the toilet, and when I just about to leave). Hmm.. Not an exemplary of a good kid.
This week, I tried to be more flexible, since my board presentation is postponed for another month, and my CMC is not in another 3 weeks. But, there were lots and lots of meetings (which I kinda enjoy), and there was no time for real work to be done.
Plus... I had to go for my driving classes. I've got to finish this one up, so that I can confidently take my test on the 16th (Please.. please.. let me pass).
And, having to settle my car loan.. Damnit. Everything is happening this week.
Yeah.. But chill Suhana...
Sunday, April 23, 2006
It's a SSssssunDay
I don't know whether I am just plain bored from lack of companionship, or I just a workaholic. What a melancholy.
(Oh yeah.. Fiza Guccio came to visit me on Friday. And yeah, she's not in the singles club anymore. Way to go girl. Yeah... way to go)
I had the chance to catch the Simfoni Philharmonic on Friday. It was either work till late, or lavish myself with this. It was not an easy choice since I had to sit ALONE enjoying the show cause none of my friends were available. Luckily Zal was with her friends(I envy you dear since you get to go to the Petronas expedition) and I could hang out with her during intervals. Oh yeah, saw Iyra. She was stunning as usual, and been going out with ehem2 for quite some time. Argh.. Ehem2.. It's ok. No need to blabber here. I'll keep up to my promise.
I have another important mission in this one month (which sorta went haywire when I ate nasi lemak earlier) before the AXN competition... Huhu.. Watch out for the transformation from Suhana.
Signing Off..
ps. Watching Ice Age 2 alone. Sdey tak.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Check this ONE out
I am in PERMATA rite now. Will be having a week full of fun-thrilling SKG02 training.
Guys... check this one out.
Did you know this was banned from the mass media. There's no slightest mention of this in any of the media. What are we protecting? Spread this one out so that everyone would know.
"Salute to all the brave reformist regardless of their creed, race and religion who took part in this moment of history. They are the sign among the finest breed of Malaysian have ever produced. They dare to take bold innitiative in the struggle to expand our democratic space in our beloved motherland despite severe consequences for their action."
Huhu... A true hero.
But, reformation is not the way to go yeah.
Yeah, anyway.. Yesterday........
Went to this art show called 'Sepetik Telunjuk' (supposed to signify the jari telunjuk u used to petik the camera la kan.. very deep huh.. hehe). Went with Ahmad and Suraya. Was fun la.. But then when we came in.. Cam morbid sket.
After that, we went to Putrajaya to catch a live show in Tasik Putrajaya. Well, the night was still young la kan as Ahmad put it. Hehe.. Bapoi..
Now, i am lazying around trying to get some sleep. Oh, and I got the truth out from Amy. I guess it's time for me to re-think my option.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
I didn’t have the chance to get out of the hotel :( with my car-less state I am right now. So, nights were spent with my gossip buddy Zalia, or on the lazy bed catching some late night show on Vision Four. But at least, I had the chance to relax from work la kan.
Tapi, tetiba, Pokji msg’d me yesterday and told me that we would be having a meeting with CD this Monday. Argh… freaky… He would have a really high expectation with this new project we have, and I am suppose to take the lead. Damnit.
Enough on work.
I’ll be off to Bangi for the whole of next week. Don’t miss me yeah.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
The Day that Will Change the Course of My Life... A MONTH after that
I just don’t know why guys like to do this to me. I feel very hurt inside.
Today is exactly one month since the day that had changed the course of my life. Ahaks. Those were the sweet time.
My friend told me that I’m stupid. They told me that I am wasting my time. I just don’t know. Am I?
I really need to cry right now. I really need someone NOW… Please someone… anyone.
Signing off… Your Ikan Paus.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Friday, March 17, 2006
How My Interesting Week Has Been
Rewind back to the early week.
I went to Penang ON Friday after work. Friend of Fiza’s was getting married, and I was there just to tag along. So there were Fiza, Yahya, me and Wong. Wong is a really funny guy, and it’s kinda hard to find a Chinese guy who speaks good Malay… and Kelantanese fluently. Hats off la..
I think I was eating 5-6 times a day, twice during the kenduri (makan kat meja pengantin yg tak tahan tu.. cam la tetamu kehormat), then we will usually have late dinner in town. Argh, Zul had to drag us all the way to town at 1 in the morning to have his ‘kuey tiaw longkang’, apparently very famous there. It was good, but I couldn’t remember the taste, cause my eyes were half close, and I am definite that I was asleep like 97% of the time we were driving. It was damn tiring.
Oh, have I mentioned that I stayed over at the Rumah Peranginan PETRONAS in Batu Feringhi? It was damn cheap for a $15 studio. The room was ok (minus the towel UN-availability, where we had to dry off by exercising jumping up and down.. ahaks), the view was superb and I guess, it was fairly good.
We went swimming, since the beach was like, mm…. in front of the place . But, there were like disgusting mud if you go swim further ahead. Argh. Yahya and Wong actually took the mud and smear it all over their faces.. Good face mask aa kononnya.
Oh, and I had the chance to meet our new SGM, had dinner with him and the rest of the gang, and did some gossiping after that. It was fairly interesting. Hehe.. Ada gossip panas aa kengkawan.
Went back on Sunday, but we had a stopover in Ipoh to Fiza’s place. Seriously aa, Fiza’s mom looks very young and petite. She’s quite pretty for age. Patut aa anak dia pun comel gak. Hehe..
Overall.. It was a good trip.
Then on Tuesday, I went for the philharmonic orchestra with Azrin. Thanks yeah cause you actually invited me to tag along. Hhehe.. terharu aa ada kawan2 camni.
The conductor was Lorin Maazel, some famous guy from New York, featuring Lidia Baich on violin. It was superb. We were like 6 rows in front (woo.. ticket mahal tu). Mat saleh ni memang banyak yang hensem2 ek. Sukanya saya.
My second philharmonic experience actually, cause the first time was when I went for the free organ recital last year. But, this is nothing compared to that. It was a 2 hours show, but I felt that it was just too amazing.
Do you know people actually wear suit for this, and girls were dressing up parading the latest designer clothes. Hehe.. Well, maybe not latest, I guess it was more of last season dress. Hehe. And I was there in a business suit. Hmm.. Kira ok aa tu.
Takde pic from here, cause they don’t allow camera in. It’s ok. I’ll take photo from the magazine la later on.
Hmm.. And the depressing moment I had this week. Thanks Irfan, and Zalina for being there for me. I don’t know what to do without you guys. I guess, this is just how I am destined to lead life huh. Argh.. Anyway...........
I am going for F1 tomorrow. Finally got my Diamond grandstand ticket from Zalina. Thank you dear…………Love you so much.
I’ll post pic later. Uhuu..
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
I am feeling so depressed right now.
I put on a happy face at work, trying to laugh as hard as I can when someone was making even the funniest sound, and put on a brave smile when I saw my friends. Or I guess they were all too busy to notice that I was really... DEPRESSED :(... on the very verge rite now.
What have I been doing today? I kept myself occupied with work and meetings, well, the usual way.
Plus, I've been listening to this song, 'You're Beautiful' over and over again on WMP.
You know what, this is why I don't like to fall in love. This is why I don't like to date guys. Cause I don't think they are honest enough towards me. They all like to make feel vulnerable. It's the sad sappy dilemma.
I guess I won't have problems dating, so why was I rushing.
I should wait for that special someone to surprise me and do something incredibly romantic... or stupid enough to gain my heart. Heck, I won't get a boyfriend till... well, never maybe. All the good ones are always taken. Boys like to rush into things u see.
I hate this feeling. I really hate this. I don't need all this. I was suppose to be telling how happy I was going to Philharmonic yesterday, or my weekend in Penang, but nothing can top this depressing mood I am having right now. PPA review is tomorrow, but I am in no mood to finish it up. Can I just call in sick, and stay in bed the whole day tomorrow?
I do need to take a break. Wan called me up yesterday. I was pouring my heart out and he was there listening... as always. Thanks yeah. I wish I could go to the state next month. I wanted to take time off NOT thinking about work+life related matter.
Ok.. I need to post this song out, cause I love it so much. This was kinda like the time when I fell in love with the song from Pearl Harbour, There You'll Be.. :D.
You're Beautiful
by James Blunt
My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw you face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.
Yeah, she caught my eye,
As we walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,
Fucking high,
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw you face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.
ps.. I have been repeatedly listening to this song since 8.20 pm. Damnit.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Today is the day that will change the course of my LIFE
My first declaration of love.
I love u.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Went to visit veddervader in the hospital today. He had dengue, and was admitted to ICU. Me and Zalina were in the area, and so we thought of paying him a surprise visit (Well, Zalina wanted to meet him in person.. Hehe).
He seemed ok. Hope you get well soon.
Now feeling guilty all of a sudden. Veddervader.. Mr CI… Make up your mind Suhana. We’ll see how it goes. Commitment is a big thing, and I am not sure whether I am ready for that big leap.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
SMS is like the coolest thing EVA
1. My L**E Life
I didn’t go for rock climbing on Sunday, so, how dreadful was that? Did nothing over the weekend (except to my cousin’s open house, and to the clinic for my mom’s therapy), and spent most of my time on bed reading Harry Potter or surfing the net, something that I have been doing most lately.
So, I was very looking forward for work on Monday after that long rest. But, work has not been as tight as it was couple of months back. So, I was toggling in between reading my friend’s blog, and trying to finish up my PPA.
Jeng jeng jeng… Suddenly, I felt the table was shaking. Oh.. My phone was set on vibrate mode. Darn it.
Rupa2nya… Mr CI yg sms’ed me. Goes something like this.
“Hai su! How r u? U tau x ni sape? Ok la. Ni *****. Surprise? I couldn’t help myself. I nak mintak ur num but I shy la. Hehe. So I took ur num from the form yg u isi ari tu. Hope u x marah. If u x suka then I’ll delete ur num”
Argh.. I was surprised. It came in the most pleasant way. Hehe..
Well, Wawa kept telling me that this guy actually has a crush on me (vice versa), but I really couldn’t tell. I am really naïve, you see. Don’t have much experience in this kinda thing. Ahaks. It’s a good thing that I didn’t go for that thingy the other day, or else, he wouldn’t have the courage to sms me. Such a lame excuse huh. And Suhana… Grow up. Macam budak2 la.. Crush la etc. Hehe.. Need to occupy my time. Ye la.. People takde life and takde bf memang la macam ni.
So yesterday, I was in a really2 GOOD mood. Been smiling the whole day, and still ARE. We were up on the phone yesterday for quite some time. I haven’t been doing that for quite a while, maybe way back when I was still in First Year Uni… We clicked very well. He’s a very interesting character once you get to know him.
He’ll be going all out for this national competition this coming weekend. Not sure if I can make it though. I’ve got this BAKTI charity program on Saturday which will finish at about 3pm. We’ll see. It’s not like I am much importance for him, so, nape nak terhegeh2 pergi kan. Hehe… We shall just see.
Ok.. rating… Secret aa kan. So far, above average.
2. Announcement
Got my CELCOM thingy cleared out already. Got 80 bucks back, but lost the other 70 bucks. Better than nothing huh. Anyway, got the SIM activated yesterday. I’d buy a new phone later on. Will be sms’g the new number soon.
3. My Vietnam trip
Not sure whether this would happen or not. Haven’t talk to my boss yet. Tomorrow maybe. Harap2 jadik ek. I so want to get out of this place.
Oh.. My happy2 life.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
My Interesting Weekend
Vinodh… I had to post this picture for your eyes specially. This was taken when we had our farewell party with V last week. We had the pleasure of makan besar with V at the California Pizza Kitchen, and after that, me, V and Fakri (the three best friend.. hehe) went up to V & Fakri’s office to compare the KLCC view. Fun time… Missed you la V. No one can top you…. ever. I heart you, man.
1. PGL sold out. Argh… How can this be? This is all Yahya’s fault. Geram. Rasa nak gigit telinga dia. How can I go now. Ala…. I so wanted to watch that show. Go sneak in pretending to be among the dancers (Always wanted to do crazy things like that). Haa.. Ruin my weekend betul.
2. Wawa cancelled rock climbing cause she got some studying to do. Ala Wa… Gila rajin. It practically ruin my weekend flirtatious moment. :P. Its ok, we still are going next week, aight.
3. The 150 bucks. Someone from Celcom called me up yesterday. I hope that was not some prank call. They will try to solve the prob for me. Monday is the big day
It’s not really my worst week ever. I guess there’s always equilibrium in life. Last week was hectic, and an absolute thrill. I guess this week is the time for me to chill down and enjoy the free time I have. Huhu..
Anyway, I went out on Thursday with VedderVader. Hey, no string attached. We are still friends you see. He is leaving for India on Friday, and wanted to see me before he leaves the country (And no.. this mysterious guy is not from India.. Pure Malaysian. He’s there on business trip).
Time to ponder… Is everything going well? I am not so sure. The sound of relationship somehow freaks me out. We just got to know each other. I don’t think it has progress to that yet.
And I haven’t been thinking about Mr. G much lately. I guess it was one of those fling you have once in a while, and never do last.
When I went for my orientation, people kept asking me.
“So, where’s your bf working?” “Where is your bf now?” “Bf?”
I would smile, and said I am not yet taken.
And they would simply be annoyed. Keith thought that I was just saying that to score BIG with the boys. Huh? And the rest of the crew would simply stare blank at me, and were stunned. I had one of those chat with Fakri, and he was honest and straightforward. (Tak yah cite kat sini aa.. Malu).
It’s not that I am a very choosy (or maybe I am), or that I don’t like boys (daa), it’s just that I like to fall for the wrong guy. It always turn up that the boys I like are single but not available (or some put it.. It’s complicated). All the good boys are taken huh (ops, no offence).
Well, I am picky for one thing. If I want to end up with somebody, I want to make sure that it is forever. I am so not ready to get married, but in the mean time, trying to ease my way through looking for Mr Right.
But it’s not hard to win my heart. I am not so demanding. There are 2 criteria, and if you can live up to this, you are definitely the one I am looking for.
I don’t fall in love easily. My last relationship lasted for 3 years, and that was my second boyfriend. I have been single for two years, and do get lonely at times. I don’t hang out with boys often, cause maybe I don’t hang out much. So, maybe, choices are limited? Working in KLCC does not help much anyway. All the guys I see at work are either married, or soon-to-be you see, and this does not help much.
That’s why I have my 2006-To-Do-List to keep me company. This is rather abrupt, but anyway…
No 17. Get a boyfriend.
Ok.. Here are some pic from orientation.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Stupid Malaysian with their stupid Act
Malays are so stupid. Melayu dengan Melayu pun nak tipu jugak. Apa da.. Patut la bangsa tak maju.
And I myself was so stupid. Damn it. Was tricked into giving 150 bucks to this dealer (poser really) from CELCOM to register for postpaid service. Argh.. I can’t think. How can I be so stupid. Kata aje kerja tersohor kat Petronas. Status business planner. Tapi bodohnya memang tak terkata.
I am so gonna get this guy. Damn it. Memang tak halal la. I hope you rote in hell man. Better still, I do hope you get knocked down by a car and suffer the most tragic accident known to human. Or even better, get hit by lightning, mob by some people on the street, strip naked and molested. Argghh… Stupid Suhana and her stupid stupid act.
I will not trust a single soul after this.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
My Valentine Dinner
I went to Pusat Bandar Damansara in the morning to get my passport done, and came to the office at around 11 am. Well, good exemplary of a dedicated worker huh. When we came into the glamorous twin tower, our gaze was nonetheless centered to the chocolates and the bouquets of flowers that people were holding, while in my heart, I was so hoping that when I reach my cubicles, I would be warmed with surprise. Heck, it didn’t happen.
So, there I was occupying my day with lots and lots of work and non-work related stuff (while still hoping for a phone call, or even sms ….which did not happen). I got fed up. Went off at around 7.30pm and decided to spend my time in Kinokuniya. I can’t go back early during Valentine’s Day feeling sorry for myself right. So, I gave VadderVeder an sms .. wishing him Happy V-Day. And guess what.. he asked me out. Guess what he said:
“I know it’s unromantic of me, but can I ask you out on a romantic dinner?”
It was such a turn on. Hehe.. Anyway …
It was pure traffic madness outside, so we decided to dine in this Sudanese restaurant in Level 4, KLCC. The setting was quite romantic with the dim light on, candles on the table, couples, etc.
How do I rate the whole evening?
Well Suhana.. cut him some slack. He is a really good guy, funny, and charming. It was the best Valentine dinner so far (Well, mostly because it was my first)
At least, I got one item knocked down from my 2006 To Do List.
2006 To Do List Item No: 16. Celebrate Valentine’s Day (DONE)