Sunday, May 21, 2006

The X Games crew
Ok.. So me, Fiza, Yahya and Wong went to the X-Games in Pyramid. The driving reason for me to go there was for the fact that I wanted to catch a glimpse of SS. Guess that didn't go so well, cause he was nowhere in sight. It was raining.. more of a reason of telling me something huh.

But, I saw Wawa's crush.. Argh... He's handsome, just a bit too short for me maybe. Hehe.. It was fun la. Ada wall climbing, skateboard, MX..etc. There were also taekwando (yeah, seriously) all the way from Korea. So, there were the usual breaking the brick show, and surprise surprise.. these people can dance. They were actually doing this taekwando-dance thingy, that seems quite cool. But, I just can't look. One minute they were serious, had this look of machoness kicking and punching, but the next, they were smiling their teeth off, with that certain gay'sh look. Hehe..

Before we leave, one great show still. Three fat ass guys in their speedo walking convincingly with their belly juggling up and down. What a sight! I guess some people are just way confident with how they look. OR some ppl are just bloody rich to not care!

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