Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Keluhan Hati Orang Yang Sakit Hati

Aku sungguh tension sekali. Komputerku sudah dua hari tidak boleh digunakan. Mengapakah orang Iperintis sungguh lembap, aku pun tidak tahu. Mungkin mereka makan gaji buta semata-mata.

So pissed rite now. You are supposed to cool off during Ramadhan, stop the swearing and berzikir every now and then. I guess Wong would laugh me off and tell me that he's controlling his temper way better than I do… while fasting! Well, stupid Iperintis people haven't come yet to fix my freaking computer. I can't check email, or do proper work just because I don't have the proper tools to operate.

How hard would it be for them to get more lazy bum to work on our computers? Don’t they have KPI to maintain? How long before one person request can be entertain? Why are we paying them again?

Came to think of it, this is P*******! We don’t fire people because it’s atrocious to do so. It’s ok to pay less to the employee because we are semi-government and this is our way of giving back to the country. Come on. This country won’t freaking survive without us. I was at first disappointed when they announce bonus, then I thought, they were pretty smart to give it away during Ramadhan. “Sesungguhnya aku bersyukur dengan apa yang kuterima”, eventhough we have surpass the performance of last year, AND wait, did you say they get more last year? Where is the justice to all this.

Be thankful. I am, don’t get me wrong. But sometimes, it just triggers you. I was an engineer by study, am a planner by profession. What is my future? Most of my engineer friends were thinking of leaving the company after five valuable years of experience and work in Middle East to earn way more than what our company is offering. Should I go back to doing engineering and do the same justice?

How can P******* appreciate the staff? No salary increment or extra bonus in the picture. Na’ah. More benefit? Yeah, that could be it. Other companies are catching up fast. Better promotion? Yeah, no more seniority rules :p

From getting pissed to talking about P*******. See how sick my mind is. I need a holliday badly…..

Cepat la betulkan komputer ini.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

do you think only you have the computer problems? what the F***!
KPI KPI KPI? F*** with your KPI!