Monday, November 27, 2006

Cicak-man si Lelaki Cicak

I had the opportunity to attend a charity screening for the newly released Cicakman. My brother-in-law couldn’t go for fear of leaving the new baby, and my sister nak tak nak had to come since Fasha personally invited her. So, being sister dearest, I became her escort.
Get this… We were placed next to the big shot producers and cast of the show. Pure luck, coincidence or mistake, I simply don’t care. Just here for the free show!
And, what a surprise to me to see all of the crew of Natasha there. Fasha sure have her way around people.:D

Ok guys, throwing an interview with one of the attendee of the preview

Miss SS: So, what do you think of the movie?
Suhana Sidik: It was ok, but not my kind of movie though. I think the kids would love it (err.. but the kids were not really laughing just now). I had a good first impression of the movie, so my expectation was quite high.

Miss SS: How’s so?
Suhana Sidik: The initial preview was superb. I was caught by surprise. I do think that the CGI is really good for a Malaysian standard (excuse muah). The settings, the lightings, the costume.. everything were excellent. But, I guees, I should have known better, right.. (and she giggle)

Miss SS: So, you definitely think it’s a good first attempt, but there’s more room for improvement?
Suhana Sidik: Definitely. Nevertheless, congratulation to Yusry for his attempt. It was bold, and he nail it.. almost.

Miss SS: So, do you have any advice for these young generations who would like to venture into CGI?
Suhana Sidik: Don’t afraid to take chances! While there’s still time and opportunities, make sure you make use of it. Go out there and learn more of what the world has to offer. The problem with Malaysia nowadays is that we like to do everything at our own backyard, with the thinking that Malaysia boleh. Kira main belasah aje la. Yeah of course you can, but just make sure that you have the ‘ilmu’ to back it up. It’s not wrong to learn from others first, before you first learn to walk on your own.

Miss SS: That’s a pretty strong comment.
Suhana Sidik: Just my two cents love.

Miss SS: hehe. We’ll sure to print that out.
Suhana Sidik: I bet you will. Heck, I bet WE will. Muahahhahaha. Anyway, thanks KRU for inviting me. All the best of luck!

Still.. Silence… The room became quiet. Everyone has left. Miss SS found herself staring blindly at herself on her compact mirror she was holding on her right hand, while her left hand numbly holding the comb.

The end.


Anonymous said...

Saiful Apek as the main character kan? Macam tak berapa kena je. Tak kena langsung actually.

Suhana Sidik said...

Haha.. Actually Apek not bad. Cuma, lawak dia cam dah tak masuk for me. Mood tak kena kot.