Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Trivia Hari Ini

Is the glass half full, or half empty?

Aku Suka Dia.. Dia Suka Aku.. Entahlah?

Have you notice that we’d do stupid things around the people we like? Unless you want to totally disregard that person…

I must tell you that I think I like this special someone, whom I frequently do stupid things just to check whether he is into me or not. Yeah, stupid I know. I would send/reply his smses with a certain flirtatious question, just to check whether he will flirt back. Lately, he has not been responding well.

How do I do this when I used to be so good in words?

I want to share with you something interesting. I am currently E’s advisor in her relationship, while she’s in mine. If we are so much alike, and we are currently advising each other, why can’t we solve our own personal love dilemma? Maybe, the other person could always see the bigger picture, and could perhaps steer the direction better.

E has made to a certain point in getting the guy, but I am still in the losers pool. Perhaps I am a much better councilor than I am an activitist. I fail to execute, but as a planner, am very best at what I do for a living.. plan other people’s life.

When I met this guy a few months back, I felt the sudden attraction. I never had the chance to know him personally until a few weeks back. We got close, and closer. I have always wanted to get to know him.. and then I spoil it.

I spoil every single relationship that I had for reasons that I am not even sure of. I was about to go steady with this guy I know, but suddenly… it was not meant to be. Don’t ask me how and why, ask him.

Yesterday after Isyak, I prayed to God. I prayed that I have met the One in this guy, and I prayed that this guy would respond. I know he is somewhat attracted to me, but he doesn’t really like me yet. But somehow, I can see myself with him.

I used to telling people that I want to get married on the 20.10.2010, but I am not so sure of its feasibility.. it seems most unlikely at time. I hate playing games anymore. I just want a stable relationship. I definitely do not feel like settling down now, but I wanted so much for this guy to say it.. say that he likes me to.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Semasa dan Selepas KUANTAN

Me and few good friends of mine had the normal the normal ‘warong kopi borak’ earlier this evening (after the 3 hours long drive of ours from Kuantan). We talked about the kind of guys that we are dating, those that bore us, and the criteria that we have for our dream partner.

So here it goes…

Tak poyo
Chinese Look
Men in Uniform
6 pack
Into sports
Smart dresser
Understanding, but jealous sket
Bad boy look
Suka nyanyi

Broad shoulder/sedap peluk
Plays tennis
Not working in the same company
Alim sikit2 la
Can easily to adapt other people
Love making surprises
Older (at least 2/3 years)
A good cook
Can sing and play the guitar
Suka Jalan2
Stronger emotionally

Good kisser
Bad boy look

Rambut lurus/panjang
Mata menggoda macam ***
Pandai Urut
Fully develop
Hard to satisfy
Good cook
Pandai nyanyi
Love s*x
Hard to control, but uncontrollable
Suka makan pisang

Tua sikit
IT background
Rambut panjang
Muka tu penting
Pandai urut
Love s*x

So yeah, you can figure out by now that there are at least 5 people in the borak-borak, and consists of both guys and girls. Which one is my criteria? Haha… I might not even be in the list pun.

We have all these criterias, but surprisingly, some of these friends of mine hook up with totally the opposite. So yeah, don’t worry too much. We are not looking for an ideal partner. Haha.

Finding a partner is a tough one, but raising a kid I think would be equally challenging (equally.. think again). I was at the Muzium Tokoh earlier in Kuantan as we wanted to waste our time off before heading back to Kuala Lumpur.

It was very interesting to read and see historian such as Tok Gajah, Mat Kilau, Dato’ Bahaman who has fought off British from Pahang, these strong characters who have now earn the respect and recognition from the society. The new era sees Sudirman earning the same respect as the man who has brought much needed soul to the music industry, and he hails from Temerloh, Pahang.

I have high respect towards them, and the same goes by the other 20 something million people in Malaysia. At some point, you would start thinking whether what you do now would ever live to earn the same courtesy of respect?

Anyway, in the future, how would I later as a parent teach my children to acknowledge this achievement, and teach them to respect others? We read it in the book, and it was even briefly put on our history syllabus. But, have we ever appreciated it?

I wish my parent have taken me to a lot of different museums when I was younger. I would have definitely appreciated history to this kind of exposure.

Museum Negara is under the much needed refurbishment. Interestingly, my best friend Salwa is the engineer in charge of the construction and Interior Design. Had the first preview of what they are currently doing, and my my…. What a great surprise. Was proud of you dear! I think this is what is needed to excite people about going to the Museum.


Moral of the story: Bawalah anak pergi ke museum! Nanti Sejarah dapat A1.
Translate: Bring your kids to the museum! They will sure get A1 for History.
Silly.. Merapu.. I know. Hahahahhaha

Friday, August 24, 2007

Perempuan Memang Banyak Kerenah Kan...

SUHANA: I find that this is in someway true.. Some ..1.. 5.. 7.. Haha.. The secret of winning. But just take note, the ones in red is what every pathetic annoying guy would say. But yeah, some are very misguiding indeed, but some are just what every girl seek for.

So for your reading pleasure, here it is

Twenty-six things a perfect guy would do,and other propaganda disseminated by misguided women.

Someone recently sent me an email titled 26 things a perfect guy would do. I thought "hmm, nobody could possibly send me anything so stupid, it can't possibly be as dumb as it sounds." I stand corrected. The email was just as advertised: a wish list of how women supposedly want men to act, as if men in this country weren't already an episode of Friends away from turning into giant walking vaginas.

I never thought I'd ever read anything that would induce my gag reflex so quickly, and this is after having read the details of an anal prolapse that a friend sent me tonight. Here is the abridged list (because the full list might literally cause you to barf on your keyboard, and frankly, it's not worth reading), followed by my response to each "thing" that a "perfect guy would do:"

1. Know how to make you smile when you are down! When will women realize that they don't live on the set of a romantic comedy? Unless making you smile involves me playing video games while you cook me a steak, you're in for a disappointment. You don't think guys ever feel "down?" The door swings both ways, bitch.

2. Try to secretly smell your hair, but you always notice. What? Why the hell would I want to smell a woman's hair? It smells bad enough with all the sprays and perfume they use. Enough with the conditioners, sprays, and cream already; that shit makes my eyes water. What the hell is conditioner anyway?

3. Stick up for you, but still respects your independence. Translation: bail you out when you fail at life, but never bring it up during conversations.

4. Give you the remote control during the game. This one is inherently stupid because it implies that all guys like to watch "the game." Since I'd rather be shot in the chest with projectile diarrhea than watch "the game," I'll assume the author meant something worthy of watching, such as Ren & Stimpy, in which case you need to put the bitch down if she touches your remote.

5. Come up behind you and put his arms around you. LAME. Who has time for this? Sounds like something out of a herpes commercial where some lady is rock climbing or doing something else which symbolizes her independence, then out of nowhere she blurts out "I HAVE HERPES." The music gets all serious and you hear a voice over "...there is no cure," cue inspirational music "but treatment is available." Then it cuts to a shot of the bitch on a beach and a guy runs up behind her and puts his arms around her. Good job dumbass, you're dating a skank with herpes.

6. Play with your hair. Again with the hair? Women never play with the hair on my back, why the double standard?

7. His hands always find yours. This is one of those things women read and say "AWW HOW ROMANTIC." I have news for you: holding hands is stupid. Women don't know the first thing about being romantic. Only lesbians hold hands anyway; allow me to explain. The only time it's acceptable to hold hands with anyone is if you're at a peace vigil. Guys don't go to peace vigils, period. If you do, you have to surrender your balls and get a sex transplant because you're a bitch; in either case, you're a woman, and when two women hold hands it can only lead to one thing as far as I'm concerned.

8. Be cute when he really wants something. Bullshit. When I want something, I yell. If she can't hear me in the kitchen, sometimes I'll threaten beatings if I'm sober.

9. Offer you plenty of massages. For your boobs maybe. I happen to have the uncanny ability to massage breasts. With my mouth.

10. Dance with you, even if he feels like a dork. Let's face it: there are few things in this world
more stupid than dancing. Except break dancing, which pirates and lumber jacks would agree is awesome. Other than that, dancing makes me envy cripples.

11. React so cutely when you hit him and it actually hurts. See, this is what pisses me off about women: they expect special treatment at their discretion. They want equal rights, equal pay, and equal treatment for everything EXCEPT when it comes to shit like this, then they want you to "react cutely" instead of, say, putting them in a head lock and making them eat ants and/or spiders while you give them carpet burn. Why don't women react "cutely" when men hit them for a change? Oops, I forgot, that's domestic abuse.

12. Drive 5 hours just to see you for 1. Any guy who would drive five hours just to see a chick for one is an asshole. If every guy drove around for five hours just to spend one with their girlfriend, we'd fill up the air with so much pollution that we'd all choke on the exhaust, get cancer, and then bake under the sun while our lungs rupture and we slowly die from internal bleeding.

13. Stare at you. You stupid attention seeking whore, just buy the bitch a mirror, because apparently she thinks that you don't have anything better to do than to sit around and stare at her. If women ran the world, we'd still be searching for the wheel.

14. Call for no reason. Oops, this one belongs on the list of "Twenty-six things women do that piss men off because they need to fill their otherwise vapid lives with something to make them feel like they have a purpose for existing as they eventually realize that they're pissing their youth away on stupid bullshit like fashion trends."

Interesting, right!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Aku Ingin .. Sangat Ingin

I am at the point where i forgot my own blog address, and had to click through one of those blog address that you kept in your in your 'Add to You Favourites'. That is a how long i haven't been blogging.

It's a wonder what internet serves, as you can even google your name up and see yours truely appears in someone else's blog. Then you realises that there are anonymous out there who actually read your blog, and interestingly, kept your link in their blog. Suddenly you felt important.

Lately, i haven't felt important to anyone, except for maybe my boss. He needs me to organise his work, thus my trip to Turkmenistan last week. At least, someone appreciates you.

I just haven't got the luck i wanted. I badly wanted it. This is again just some stupid feeling of loneliness creeping through. I want badly.. to be wanted so bad.