Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Aku Suka Dia.. Dia Suka Aku.. Entahlah?

Have you notice that we’d do stupid things around the people we like? Unless you want to totally disregard that person…

I must tell you that I think I like this special someone, whom I frequently do stupid things just to check whether he is into me or not. Yeah, stupid I know. I would send/reply his smses with a certain flirtatious question, just to check whether he will flirt back. Lately, he has not been responding well.

How do I do this when I used to be so good in words?

I want to share with you something interesting. I am currently E’s advisor in her relationship, while she’s in mine. If we are so much alike, and we are currently advising each other, why can’t we solve our own personal love dilemma? Maybe, the other person could always see the bigger picture, and could perhaps steer the direction better.

E has made to a certain point in getting the guy, but I am still in the losers pool. Perhaps I am a much better councilor than I am an activitist. I fail to execute, but as a planner, am very best at what I do for a living.. plan other people’s life.

When I met this guy a few months back, I felt the sudden attraction. I never had the chance to know him personally until a few weeks back. We got close, and closer. I have always wanted to get to know him.. and then I spoil it.

I spoil every single relationship that I had for reasons that I am not even sure of. I was about to go steady with this guy I know, but suddenly… it was not meant to be. Don’t ask me how and why, ask him.

Yesterday after Isyak, I prayed to God. I prayed that I have met the One in this guy, and I prayed that this guy would respond. I know he is somewhat attracted to me, but he doesn’t really like me yet. But somehow, I can see myself with him.

I used to telling people that I want to get married on the 20.10.2010, but I am not so sure of its feasibility.. it seems most unlikely at time. I hate playing games anymore. I just want a stable relationship. I definitely do not feel like settling down now, but I wanted so much for this guy to say it.. say that he likes me to.


Anonymous said...

There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting,
challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.

Suhana Sidik said...

There are also.. Those that you want by never gets... Those that went missing in your life... Those you desperately seek answer from... Those ... remain just those...

Anonymous said...
