Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Episode Geram: Malaysian Mentality

So i really hate all this Malaysian mentality. Da! what's up with all this politeness and all those so-called Asian courtesy- err, are you confuse between courtesy with just being stupidly-arrogant? Scenario today:

1. "Why your staff tak senyum kat i tu? Dia tak suka i ke?" I entered the bosses office and handed him the info he wanted. There was another lady in the office talking on the phone, and i did not stop,greet and smile at her. So i don't have the courtesy? What the!!!? Its not like i went to throw a banana at her, or put on a long face being displease at her presence there. I just didn't look at her and happily smile WHILE SHE WAS IN A FREAKING CONVERSATION. I thought it was rude to interrupt someone who's on a MIDDLE of a conversation? And apa peduli aku. Do i really have to be nice to every single person on earth!

2. You should address an older person by their title - in Malaysia, that means En, Puan, Cik etc. In anywhere else, you don't address people as Mr, Mrs, Miss something unless you are really trying to be those proper aristocrat (i think). Why do you have to call people by title (unless its a Datuk, Datuk Seri, Tan Sri, etc) if you are doing it on a professional level? Hmm.. i may be a bit bias here, but unless you are at least a Senior Manager or General Manager in my company, i don't think much of you. Professionally, everyone should be the same.

So yeah, i am being bitchy today. Probably didnt feel much loved these past few days.

Until then, the bitchiness rest.


.::jarjar::. said...

PMS ke babe?

Anonymous said...

oh ok!