Friday, May 30, 2008

Carca Merba - Esok Cuti Yeay!

I couldn’t start my work since morning, and felt quite clueless really. Had the normal early morning coming to work at 730 (but as usual, my collegue beat me to it by coming much earlier at 630) feeling famished. Aiman is in Maya, so I had to resort to IA for a quick nutritious breakfast. Well, you wouldn’t say that its nutritious when I had the nasi lemak feast on Level 4.

I haven’t been going to the gym for about a month now, ever since my brother had the accident. Had to go home and care for him (more of a reason really, since I hardly do that now) and focusing on some other ‘commitment’. Haha..

Anyway, I really couldn’t start doing work after breakfast. The nasi lemak really got to my brain; closing all the pro-active nerves eager to do some real work. So, I have been writing some emails, reading some SPE Salary reports (which says that South East Asia worker’s getting paid the lowest – expat with the same qualification and experience level gets paid 4 times more than the local), and reading & installing the new P6 software worth 20K that I just got from the supplier. The freaking 4CD + 1 DVD which does not even have any proper hard-copy manual (Go Green!) cost the company 20K, pending the other 80K PertMaster software which will come sometime in June. Gost, that’s like my 2 years salary on the table. Lose it and expect zilch salary for the next 24 months of your life. Unless of course my beloved Pet gives a 12 months bonus for its miraculous achievement this year – Oh wait, even if that happens, I still would be working without pay for the next 1 year of my career. Ok, I’ll lock up this software someplace safe…

Anyway, went to a friend’s wedding on Saturday and Nely … CONGRATS!

Mr Auditor, Nely & Hubby, Suhana with short hair (damn it, i've revealed myself)

Something for u guys... Muah Muah.
Two souls with but a single thought,Two hearts that beat as one.
Friedrich Halm

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Rambut Pendekku Mendapat Komen

“Oh, dah potong rambut”
“Haha.. Aik perasan ke.”

He smiled. She smiled back and walked away.

That was the brief conversation that Suhana had this morning with one of the guard at work. Out of the 10 something thousand of people working there, the guard recognize her. Wow, even my alter ego was very much impressed.

There was another guard she remembered earlier from her early days in the towers, whom were overly friendly. At one point, he emailed her just to say hi. Don’t ask me how he knows her name or got her email address as she was stunned herself. Probably Suhana just have that impact on people :p.

So Suhana is tired and began writing nonsense that she can recall from today. That’s the only significant thing that is worth remembering.

Anyway, she has to finish up this paperwork for a meeting tomorrow. She’s sleepy and deciding to surf the net first then sleep and continue work at 3.30 am later. If only we can trigger our brain to work at a specified time frame. If only everything is always THAT simple.

Anyway, hi peeps. Have a good working Friday tomorrow!

Ps: I’ll post my new short tomboyish hair look whenever I am ready to show it off to the world. Btw, I so cannot wear those baju kurung on Friday anymore, as it doesn’t go with this macho look. How la nak pegi wedding this weekend. Can I cancel? Arrghhh…

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tahniah ATAU Takziah?

So, what is Mahathir trying to prove?

I am still in shock, and totally devastated to read the news of Che Det’s sudden exit from the United Malays National Organization.

The country is in deep drain. I was made known of his decision from reading the statement in Che Det’s blog and it got me startled. At first, I appraised the brave step he took to correct what went wrong in the party, but after some rationale thought (which came way after I commented on his blog – Tun, I respect whatever decision you have made, and will make in the future. And i always believe that you think things through before making them. Making a different to the world means big sacrifice. Well done!), it got me thinking.

How the outside world is looking at us? Would there be anymore stability when one of the most sought after leader in the country no longer have faith in its organization and decided to leave? Yes, he could condemn, he could right whatever is wrong but to quit from the party … what was he thinking?

I have the utmost respect to the guy, but it bugs me a lot to note that his departure from the party come at the expense of the country. I see that the foreigners are laughing hard at our face, and there goes the national credibility. Your hope of a great 2020 is shattered when you realise that Tun is no longer there to ‘direct’ and necessitate changes to the party. The great man becomes an average man overnight.

Is it the right decision? Will this mean that Anwar’s era would come sooner than what you would have expected?

Don’t get me wrong. I love Anwar. I bought Newsweek (which I don’t normally read) upon knowing that he was on the cover. That was a great reading by the way. And last week or so when he was in the 100 Most Influential Man in Times magazine, I quickly grab a copy before it runs out. Anwar’s story has always been a enjoyable reading.

But Anwar is no Tun. I would have a tough choice deciding the man I would love to administer the country (Anwar vs Mahathir) as each have its own strength and weaknesses, but I think Mahathir AND Anwar combination was the best the country has ever had. If only things were different then.